Architecture Services

The art of shaping and organizing space

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What is Architecture Services ?

Architecture is the activity of an architect, which includes both large-scale design such as urban and landscape design and smaller-scale design such as detail and furniture design. Architecture has to design shapes, space and environment in such a way that application, technique Reflect the environment and beauty; And at the same time, it requires initiative and combination of materials with technology and light with shadows. Often in dealing with requirements, he must be determined. Of course, architecture also includes the real aspects of buildings and structures; That is, it is also responsible for planning, cost estimating, and managing the construction process. Documents prepared by architects, that is, drawings, plans, and technical specifications, usually define the structure or behavior of a building or any type of system built.

Why Architecture Services is important ?

Architecture means to organize the space in such a way that the product of the work is creativity or one degree lower than the rationality of the space. This is the secret that architects have learned throughout history, combined with industry, and through this they have been able to present the result of work in the construction of creativity or rationality. What influences the person in architecture is the space and the impact of the materials used in the building is in the next degree.

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