What is CD Label Design ?
The CD label is the circular label that is attached to the CD. It can either be in the form of a label or can be printed directly on the CD. It can be designed at any number and can usually be printed at least in a circulation of 1000 copies. CD label design can be designed in a general way by preserving the visual identity of a company so that after burning, there will be enough free space on CD to write the title and other specialized information.
Why CD Label Design is important ?
For example, a photography studio gives its clients a number of CDs almost every day, which include photos and videos taken from their ceremonies. Compare a CD that the name, date, duration of the movie, and the number of photos have been written by a marker on it with a custom designed CD that includes logo, contact information, and other options to complete. Think about how lasting and effective the second one can be. This example can be extended to all jobs that deal with CDs.

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